State capital of Dresden

The Office of Economic Development works specifically on maintaining and expanding the growth conditions for internationally competitive and sustainable development of economy, education and research in Dresden.

In addition to traditional economic development, one focus of the work is the promotion of Smart City projects in the closely linked areas of smart mobility, smart communications, smart energy and smart home.

Short description of the project contribution

Tapping into potentials for shiftable loads in municipalities and participation approaches for municipal players

For the four workstreams flexibilisation of electricity generation, flexibilisation of consumers, energy efficiency and smart grids, appropriate projects should be identified, assessed and realised for municipal institutions.

The implementation of specific projects should tap into as-yet unexploited synergy potentials at a profit and in the interest of the energy transition.

The findings should be collected in a study that will lead to recommended actions. This enables Dresden to function as a model city for other municipalities.


8: City district concepts and Smart City

  • 8.3: Model region Dresden / municipal load shifting potentials

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