IT4Energy Centre [ARCHIVED]

The IT4Energy Centre develops information and communication solutions for the optimal use of available resources and provides networking in compliance with data protection and standards. Industrial, scientific, administrative or political groups can visit the laboratory by appointment.

Current exhibits

‘Making smart energy tangible’

In the Smart Energy Lab, the interaction between different players and components of the smart grid are visualised. It is made clear how communication between the control centre (EMP: external market participant) and the prosumer side (CLS: controllable local system) takes place according to the guidelines of the German Federal Office for Security in Information (BSI) and which infrastructure this requires. Smart Meter Gateway developments are also presented.

‘enyCLS: networking energy systems’

Secure communication in the smart energy system with a ‘selected group of users’ is showcased. Measuring, controlling and regulating gas, water and electricity according to the guidelines of the BSI is possible with old and new devices. The enyCLS flexible software solution supports the Smart Meter Gateway infrastructure by creating a secure, bidirectional, application- and device-independent communication tunnel.


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