c/o 50Hertz Transmission GmbH
Project management: Markus Graebig (legally responsible publisher)
Heidestraße 2
10557 Berlin
T +49 30 5150 2805
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Stefan Kapferer
Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Dr Frank Golletz
Chief Markets and System Operations (CMO)
Dr Dirk Biermann
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Marco Nix
Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)
Sylvia Borcherding
Commercial Registration
Local court: Charlottenburg
Commercial register no.: HRB 84446
VAT ID-no.: DE813473551
Legally responsible publisher: Markus Graebig
Image sources
Home page headers
50Hertz Transmission, Jan Pauls
Panther Media/Stockr
chuttersnap on Unplash
Visual Social Sharing
50Hertz Transmission
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However, neither 50Hertz Transmission GmbH nor a third party assumes any liability or guarantees for the correctness, completeness or currency of this data and information. This also applies to the Internet pages of any other teleservice providers accessed directly or indirectly by hyperlink from these web pages. 50Hertz Transmission GmbH assumes no responsibility for the contents of these pages. 50Hertz Transmission GmbH reserves the right to make amendments or additions to the information on these pages without prior notice.
50Hertz Transmission GmbH is not liable for any damages direct or indirect, including loss of profit, that result from or in connection to information appearing on their Internet pages.
No replacement for consultation
The information on these Internet pages is not intended as individualised consultation services and cannot replace such services under any circumstances. Please contact our representatives for specific consultation on commercial and technical issues.
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