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Archived news and press releases from the project time WindNODE



Energyhack: successful launch for implementation of 2017’s winning project

The winning team of the WindNODE Energyhack of 2017 presented a demonstrator at WindNODE partner Stromnetz Berlin.

CC Leo Wolf
CC Leo Wolf
CC Leo Wolf
CC Leo Wolf
CC Leo Wolf
CC Leo Wolf

To promote new applications and business models, the WindNODE partners Stromnetz Berlin and Fraunhofer FOKUS organise hackathons (the “Energyhack”) together with the Open Knowledge Foundation, during which programmers, creative minds and young start-ups develop exciting and innovative ideas using the data provided.

During the WindNODE Energyhack of 2017, a group of master students and doctoral candidates of the DAI-Lab (the EVCount team) outlined a project to capture GIS-relevant data (Geographic Information System) and enrich these with other available information. This is made possible by automatic image recognition of map and/or “Streetview” data. These data were then used to model the total load of a low voltage grid with higher shares of electromobility.

Afterwards, the original idea was developed further into a demonstrator during a workshop with WindNODE partner Stromnetz Berlin. The goal is to represent available GIS and NIS-relevant data (Network Information System) using Augmented Reality (AR) to support the field staff of Stromnetz Berlin in their daily activities. In line with the hackathon, this should create an added value by linking different data sources.

For example, this would make it possible to combine static grid-focussed GIS data with dynamic network data (NIS data) or with data from even other sources, such as nature conservation areas, etc.

Dynamic network data could consist of condition data measured in the low voltage grid, but also the findings of a grid simulation to estimate the condition of the grid. Grid simulations could for instance be tested and visualised in view of the load in case of expansion of the charging pole infrastructure in Berlin. Information from nature conservation areas could for example be highly relevant during underground construction works.

In this context, the combination with the results of a study on e-mobility in the low voltage grid between the DAI-Lab and Stromnetz Berlin can be imagined, for example by considering the modelling of the concurrence of the electric car charging process for special charging infrastructure.

Based on this target vision, a demonstrator was to be developed to show the feasibility of linking GIS and dynamic data, and to assess to what extent the superimposition of this information by means of AR can support on-site work.

On 20/02/2019, the first demonstrator was presented. Specific application cases should now be identified and evaluated at follow-up meetings.

Acquiring impulses for the energy transition with Open Data

In the scope of WindNODE, distribution system operator Stromnetz Berlin GmbH is, among other things, actively involved in the workstream “ICT networking platform”. Stromnetz Berlin is developing its existing grid data portal into an Open Data portal ( together with Fraunhofer FOKUS, which provides detailed public as well as private data in an anonymised and aggregated form, for instance on individual city districts or user groups.

Disclosing the data creates a large potential for innovative developments. Future visions and problem-solving approaches are created based on the data provided if they are used for further development, analysis and evaluation. Stromnetz Berlin has therefore taken it upon itself to use its Open Data platform to inspire as many WindNODE partners as possible on the subject of open data. 

If you want to make data sets available, please contact us at .

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